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To Get There.


We are the To Get There Foundation. We exist to connect, inspire and support. Connect people, institutions and volunteers. Inspire and encourage to take up new challenges, look for unique solutions, including technological ones. Support in the pursuit of the intended goal. Together we will strive to make your workplace more friendly. Open to dialogue and cooperation. Support and respect - because your comfort and mental harmony are the key to development and success. To Get There. Together.
Certyfikat Pracodawca Przyjazny Zdrowiu Psychicznemu

PPZP™ Program

Mental Health Friendly Employer


Increase the quality of work in your company or institution.
Doradztwo i Consulting

Advisory and Consulting

Interpersonal communication and conflict resolution
Aplikacje Mobilne i oprogramowanie


Mobile Apps, Augmented & Virtual Reality

PPZP™ Program

Mental Health Friendly Employer

PPZP™ is what distinguishes your company from competitors, it distinguishes your institution from other employers.

Many years of neglect and ignoring problems in companies more and more often leads to a decrease in efficiency, professional burnout, reluctance of employees, mental problems and an increase in the number of sick leaves. In 2020 significantly increased the number of medical certificates for self-illness mental and behavioral disorders (F00-F99) - 1.5 million medical certificates out of a total of 27.7 million, which is an increase of over 25% year on year and remains at a similar level (source: ZUS).

Don't do this to your company, make sure it supports the mental health of employees, and at the same time your results. Attract the best employees and leave satisfied customers. Get ahead of your competitors before they get ahead of you. Read more (pl)... Learn more or arrange certification:
Certyfikat Pracodawca Przyjazny Zdrowiu Psychicznemu

Join the group of those who trusted us

Stolica Experymentu
JJ Mac Ltd
Centrum Nauki Kopernik
VMS Media
Ed TEch Net
The Grumper
University of Gdansk
Gliwice City
Grupa Maspex Wadowice
Janssen: Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson
Politechnika Gdanska
Polish Academy of Science
Polska Organizacja Turystyczna

Get to know us better

Gdynia Ministerstwo Zdrowia

The To Get There Foundation is implementing a project entitled “Data-driven approach and management platforms as a basis for the intelligent development of tall greenery in cities” financed by the National Centre for Research and Development in the competition of the European partnership Driving Urban Transitions Programme (DUT CALL 2023), contract number DUT/2023/3/Urban ElemenTREE/2025.

Urban ElemenTREE aims to advance more sustainable tree planting in cities, for more regenerative urban neighbourhoods, by formulating a systematic, integrated, evidence-based approach for the smart development of the urban tree canopy.

Project value: 2 261 002.74 PLN Urban ElemenTREE